Providence and me

How have I been faring the past week or so, ever since joining a corporation in the hell that is NullSec?

Well, it has been a learning experience that is for sure. But I’m getting there. Providence is different, not what I expected. Which is pretty dumb, since I have zero experience with NullSec, so there’s that …

Providence is like, … the wild west? No wait, it definately is not the wild west. It has rules and people there, that agree to do things a certain way. Actually, it’s pretty damn civil and organised.

ACTUALLY, it’s a freakin’ beacon of light and decency. There, I’ve said it. It’s out. Bam, just like that.

But what does that mean for the rest of New Eden? Well, the opposite ofcourse. Lawless profiteers, scumbags, evil no-good vultures … (attention: dramatic scene here!).

Because everyone else seems to think Providence is some sort of Irac or Afghanistan or Serbia, where you can just blow shit up because of *reasons*. It’s true. If you want PvP every single evening. Then join a corporation or alliance in Providence. Because every single night there are roaming groups of thugs looking for prey.

Again, maybe it’s like that everywhere in NullSec, I have no clue.

Am I bothered by this? Not really, it sure is a learning experience like I said. I paniced. I wasn’t paying attention to local. And when I saw a red pop up in my combat anomaly, I just warped to the first thing I could click on with my mouse. That happened to be a stargate, where two other red were waiting, with an interdictor. Yeah, wham bam thank you mam …

My main issue right now is finding a decent (fun) ISK income. My game time is pretty limited to the evenings, and I loath engaging in boring gameplay that is deemed necessary.

I tried planetary interaction (3 planets atm), and I get why it is an easy passive income, but it is by far the most boring thing I ever experienced in EVE. Yes, even minimal time to P.I. could reap some easy ISK, but sorry, nope, my time is precious and I will not spend it this way. I want fun stuff dammit.

Ratting seems decent. Just have to pay attention to where I choose to rat, and the sudden appearance of reds in local. I’m doing some trial and error, learning to keep my traversal as high as possible and stuff.

Exploration is what I’m currently doing, and it is pretty neat. Sometimes you get lucky with the loot.

What about the corporation? (Orde van Oranje Nassau)

Nice people, same language. Helpfull, guides, tutorials, you name it.

But we are in Providence. And here is the thing about Providence. It has structure, organization, fleets, defences, … but it’s not a huge bloc. It’s made up of all these different corporations, that all own a little bit here and there in the region.

It is a strenght, and a weakness.

Then there is the newbie factor. When fleets go up, calling for battlecruisers, battleships, you name it, the big guns, it’s hard for a ‘newbie’ to get into it. Especially when ISK is a factor. And skill learning. Sure there is the ‘tackle’ ship, or the ‘logi’ ship. But lets be honest, how much use is a newbro in a role that’s either very specialized, or just a ship for the meat grinder?

I’ve been stocking up some pre-fitted ship on our staging point. Some cruisers and tackle frigates. Hopefully next time there is a CTA or a fun fleet, and I happen to be online (*sigh*job), maybe I can participate.

Today was an unexpected fun day. Met some other player while exploring data and relic sites, and we talked a decent hour about newbieness, ships, ISK making and what not.

Providence … beacon of light and decency 🙂

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