Return of the Hanz

After many years, faith it seems urged me to return to EVE. No idea why actually. I remember very well why I stopped playing the last time.

No, not because of ship losses, or ganking. Not any of that. It was the realisation that I wasn’t going anyway with my time spent in EVE.

I tried out different things, got somewhat out of my comfort zone. And one thing was so common, no matter what I did. It all took so much damn time, and effort. And (mental) energy.

Obviously, recovering from a hit and run accident and buying a new home that needed a fuckton of renovations didn’t help one bit. But here we are. The major house renovations are behind us. I finished the plumming, the electricity, the roof, the tiling, the flooring, … And many more.

It took me a while, but I got it done. So now the weird part. I’m now stuck in some weird void. It’s a feeling I’ve been having a while now. My weekends are relaxing, the occasional thing here and there. But no more Bob the builder.

And that brings me to EVE. Again. For the xxx ‘s time. Will it last? Who knows. So much has changed. And everything is more expensive ingame, why is that?

My Hanz is still here, decent skillpoints I guess. Maybe I should do that AIR thing? Start a brand new character to experience the tutorial again.