Revenge of a space ninja

After my little hissy fit yesterday I returned to T1 Calm Filaments. I asked some advice in the Abyssal Lurkers channel, and no other than Caldarijoans was kind enough to help out with some advice. Invigorated by the knowledge of an expert I refitted a new Punisher and got out into space once more.

And the second I warp into the deadspace pocket it turned into choas and mayhem. For some reason I could not see ‘reds’ in space. I could see them on the overview tab, but on screen, in space. Nope nother to be seen. This threw me off for a couple of seconds, and those vital first seconds into the Abyss are important. You can get your bearings, see what you are up against. Set your trajectory. But now in my case, none of that. I was still sitting still, like a duck in space. Later it turned out I accidentally pressed ALT+Z to disable something with brackets…

Now I would like to continue with “heroic coollness, nerves of steel, expert piloting skills …”, but in reality, the above screenshot tells the real story. And that is, I have no idea how I survived. Somehow, I did adapt and got out of range when I needed to. Barely, but alive.

The second room gave me a Striking Leshak battleship, finally some room to breathe and recover. Approach at an angle, orbit and let your armor and shield recover while nuking from closeby.

The third room was small frigates/drones that were no real problem, and I ended with a meager 4 minutes to spare. The loot at the end was worth a little over 6 million ISK (I think). So I’m wondering if the added time and difficulty is even worth pushing T1’s? Is there a bigger chance for item drops/blueprints the higher the tier? I need to look into that.

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