Punisher time

Awesome game-time today and actual awesome progress. Had a blast with an Amarr Punisher dual rep fit, and it actually plays very fun. It’s fast, can take a beating, and has modest to decent damage output. The mid slots are maybe a bit lacking, but it makes up with loads of low slots and four in the high meaning four turrets pewpew’ing away at whatever it is you’re pointing them at.

I’m actually temped to bring it inside a T1 Calm filament, and see how it holds. I may need a bit more practice on the approach. The Abyss zone is actually rather small(ish), and with the speed the Punisher brings, depending on the room you’re in. Add the weird towers that sometimes appear in the Abyss, well it’s a recipe for more dead clones in space…

The very fact rewards scale better when you enter the Abyss in a frigate is a nice bonus. Actually it’s more than nice, it’s much needed.

I wonder if a Tristan would work out in a T0 Abyss. Most probably it would. NPC rats usually start targetting your drones when you get far away, so I suppose it’s the same in an Abyss? A problem could be that a lot of the Abyss enemies are very fast frigates or drones, and I’m not sure the small drones you can use in a Tristan are up for that task. But it’s worth a try. Lets call it science ok?

After spending an entire evening running only T0 filaments, switching it up constantly (Exotic, Fire, Gamma and Electric) I am pretty convinced I got the T0 covered, in a Punisher. Who would have predicted that? So the jump to T1 is near. Again, it’s probably going to be both the Amarr Punisher and the Caldari Corax.

I also found out where most of my stuff still is, and oh boy …

It’s a long way from home. Yeah that adventure in Providence really did not pay off…

No way I’m going to be able or willing to haul all that stuff back to where I’m now. Not that it’s worth all that much. Some frigates, destroyers and an occasional cruiser. But still it sucks.

And I’m finishing with the following. What should I do with all these unallocated skill points? Should I spend them all on the skillplan I’ve queued? Or wait until the there’s some big spenders on the horizon?

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